CGE Blog

Landlords Be LIONS

The present legal requirements landlords have to adhere to are complex and are more demanding of landlords, its not possible to describe in short terms what is required as it varies between: type of tenancies, type of property, licensing requirements through HMO and local authority requirements – its complex. The …

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Review Your EPCs ~ MEES is Coming

Mimimum Energy Efficiency Standards – MEES is coming in March 2018 If any of your rental properties have a rating of G or F you will need to take action. Contact us now for a review and your next steps. 07538840396

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Landlords – Avoid the Slip Ups!

Life after Deregulation in October 2015 must feel like walking on bananas, your bound to slip up at sometime! That should not be the case, after all most landlords are savvy and know what they are doing. So much changed with deregulation and its hard to keep track with what …

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