Are You A Fit Landlord!

Happy New Year 2018, it’s that time of year when we review our health and fitness and resolve to go to the gym more regularly and acquire a set of abs. ‘Are you a fit landlord,’ is not an enquiry into your personal physique but rather a query into how …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ Don’t Stress About Your Duties

How to Rent: Landlords Your Duties Gas Safety As a landlord, you are legally responsible for the safety of your tenants in relation to gas safety. By law you must: Repair and maintain gas pipework, flues and appliances in safe condition Ensure an annual gas safety check on each appliance …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ 7 ~ Renting is a Risky Business

Risk Assessments for Landlords This guide is to assist landlords who wish to risk assess their property. The blog will be periodically updated, however the information should be checked against current legislation to ensure the most up to date is being complied with, this should be used as guidance only. …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ 6 ~ An Inventory to Set a Standard

Inventory v BABL Check-In Like an inventory only more encompassing. We include all the checks and risk assessments required to keep you within the regulations, laws and acts as required for a modern tenancy. Designed to be intuitive, landlords are expected to be part of the process and so present at …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ 5 ~ MEES and the EPC

Guide to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) From April 2018, a new legal standard for minimum energy efficiency will apply to rented properties in the private sector. The new legal standard brings threats and opportunities for landlords, freehold investors, developers and lenders, this blog …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ 4 ~ Electrical checks and Legionella RA

How to Rent for Landlords: electrical and legionella, two landlord’s checks that get overlooked… Electrical checks and legionella risk assessments – maybe this is because they are not specifically mentioned in the Deregulation Act 2015, there are so many other checks required which are easier to do, have greater awareness …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ 3 ~ What Is Prescribed Information (PI)

How to Rent for Landlords: Know All Your Duties – Prescribed Information Prescribed Information is information that a Landlord must give to such a Tenant, and any person who has paid a deposit on the Tenant’s behalf, within 30 days (previously 14 days) of receiving the deposit, this information consists of: EPC – energy …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ 1 ~ Smoke Alarms

How to Rent for Landlords: Effective use of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors With the recent tragedy in West London, you don’t have to live in a high-rise apartment to feel some uneasiness. A decent landlord will be going through their portfolio and physically checking to ensure that they …

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Be A Better Landlord ~ in 7 Blogs!

Be A Better Landlord (BABL) is a brand-new service, there is plenty of places via the internet, via landlords associations on what is currently required, (the word ‘currently’ should be noted as legislation regarding landlord’s responsibilities change frequently and presently legislation is under review,) even the most diligent property professional can …

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