Be A Better Landlord ~ in 7 Blogs!

Be A Better Landlord (BABL) is a brand-new service, there is plenty of places via the internet, via landlords associations on what is currently required, (the word
‘currently’ should be noted as legislation regarding landlord’s responsibilities change frequently and presently legislation is under review,) even the most diligent property professional can overlook these changes and not adjust their administration or add the new requirements to their new lets and renewed tenancies.

Here at Creative Green Energy whilst we offer all the assessments and checks required we have noted that as well as informing landlords on ‘what’ they require to do in order to be compliant, but also ‘how’. We have worked hard to develop an easy to follow process that will ensure that new tenancies avoid costly fines, owing tenants compensation and retain their place in the market as a quality, well maintained asset. Be A Better Landlord is our method: a process for the start of a tenancy or at contract renewal, it’s also informative via our blogs and we plan to host events to allow landlords to share experiences and network.

Be A Better Landlord over the next 7 days is writing a series of 7 blogs, on the what, why and how of all the assessments currently required under Deregulation and all other relevant legislation :

1st   Following on from the recent housing event, we’ll start with smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. How to Rent for Landlords: Effective use of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

2nd How to Rent for Landlords: Model Tenancy and why you should update your AST

3rd How to Rent for Landlords: Know how – Prescribe Information

4th How to Rent for Landlords: Electrical and Legionella risk assessments

5th How to Rent for Landlords: Minimal Energy Efficiency Standards and the EPC

6th How to Rent for Landlords: Inventories set a standard and how to renew

7th How to Rent for Landlords: BABL an enhanced check-in

Be A Better Landlord designed to protect landlords against any litigation, loss of revenue from contentious tenants, or fines for not complying with prescribed, mandatory and required duties. A prudent landlord has to make sure that the administration of the tenancy is robust and well documented, by an impartial third party such as Be A Better Landlord. The Be A Better Landlord’s check-in has been devised to:

  • Demonstrate to the tenant smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are fully functional at the start of the tenancy
  • Provide the tenant with clear instructions on how to test, maintain and the frequency that this is required both verbally and written
  • This check is done along with other checks on move in day: legionella risk assessment, gas safe, electrical test, inventory, we provide copies of all of the other Prescribed Information
  • Confirmation from tenant by way of a signed receipt that this has been carried out, along with all of the other landlord’s duties required by Deregulation Oct 2015 and all the other relevant legislation that is currently applicable

Contact Be A Better Landlord today for details on how our check-in can work for you!


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